Ernestine Steward Gray was first elected to the Orleans Parish Juvenile Court, Section "A", on November 6, 1984 to fill an unexpired term.她于19986年7月,1994年10月,2002年10月和2014年11月再次选举。
她曾担任第57任全国少年和家庭法院法官理事会主席,新奥尔良基督教青年会和基督教女青年会董事会前主席,国家法院任命特别倡导者协会。格雷法官的工作得到了全国的认可,在地方、州和国家层面上,她是一个非常受欢迎的演讲者和演说家。她获得了许多奖项,包括2018年美国律师协会杰出服务奖;2013年新奥尔良市商业领袖法律奖;2008年,路易斯安那州立大学科伊夫团荣誉会员;2004年获“疯狂马精神奖”,2002年获“国家犯罪和犯罪委员会问题青年同情心关怀促进Albert Elias奖”;2000年,青少年司法和预防犯罪办公室,表彰为美国社区的儿童和家庭带来更安全、更光明的未来的成就;以及1995年美国律师协会富兰克林·d·弗拉施纳司法奖。格雷法官坚信家庭的强大纽带和孩子的价值。她的愿望是为每一个孩子提供她所拥有的,以及她试图为她的孩子提供的——一个充满爱的家庭,通过适当的管教来支持和培养他们的发展。 While times have changed, what children really need and deserve have not changed. Her vision is to help create and enhance a system that truly values our most precious resource—-our children. We value them when we invest in education and recreation, and when we insure that they have decent places to live. She wants to be remembered as being important in the lives of children, not because of her temperament as a stern judge, but as an unwavering advocate for the rights of children. Judge Gray is married to James A. Gray II. They have two children, former State Senator Cheryl Gray Evans, an attorney, and James A. Gray III, a chemical engineer and attorney. Judge Gray and her husband are the grandparents of four grandchildren, Morgan Corine Gray, Moriah Danielle Gray, James Austin Gray IV and Emory Steward Evans.